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Image by Sarah Dorweiler

ISO 9001
Quality Management System 

ISO 9001
Quality Management System 

This module is based on seven quality management principles and it aims to guide companies to become more efficient and improve customer satisfaction.

A common misunderstanding is that ISO 9001 is aimed at larger companies and manufacturers. However, the requirements of ISO 9001 are generic and applicable to any company.

  • ISO 900 was initially published in 1987.

  • It has undergone several revisions to keep up with good practices and trends in the business world

  • The latest (5th) standard edition is titled ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems – Requirements.

  • After running a survey with over 8,000 respondents, in May 2021, the ISO subcommittee for quality systems (ISO/TC 176/SC 2) confirmed that ISO 9001:2015 is still relevant and recommended that it remains unchanged.

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