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NGO Work

Mustard Seed Foundation has packaged this solution into an all-encompassing programme for Grade 9 learners, providing support all the way through to the first years of work as a professional. For a single Grade 9 learner, this means:Intensive, all-year Grade 9 MSF Programme (IQ, EQ, AQ Assessments, Psychosocial Assessments and Learning Disability tests, Mentorship/ Shadowing, Career Relevant Subject Choice Assistance, and the relevant social support as the need arises.

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About Mustard Seed Foundation

Our work with Mustard Seed Foundation

Inpsyght Consulting runs a five-year programme with Mustard Seed Foundation in which we identified 30 top performers (High School learners) in underdeveloped areas in 2021. We started our programme with them in March 2022. These 30 learners receive various skills training over a 5-year period in which we employ development plans and collect data on the learner's progress over the 5-year period. Our facilitators work with each individual learner separately and we have the occasional group sessions. 


Introduction and Workshop

Data collection

Reports and Feedback
Evaluation and regrouping
Mentoring and facilitation sessions


Phase 1
Phase 2

The day consisted of theory work and practical activities to increase students’ self-awareness of their self-knowledge, emotional intelligence, workplace considerations, and decision-making factors.

Informed consent forms were sent out which the guardian of the learner needed to sign and send back before the given deadline. Each learner received a unique link with their information preloaded. Some assessments were used and provided information on self-awareness. 5  Registered practitioners were involved in assessing the learners online. The group (30 learners) were divided into their respective groups, in which the platforms Zoom and Mindconnect used to conduct the assessments.

Phase 3

Each learner and their guardian received one-on-one feedback from the registered practitioner that wrote their report. The registered practitioner scheduled feedback with the learner/ guardian. The reports were sent to Mustardseed Foundation upon the consent provided by the guardian of the learner.

Where are we now?

Going forward each student will receive a mentor for the year.

The mentor will provide the learner with a 12-month programme in which sessions will take place online once a month. The mentors will receive training and supervision throughout the year and will receive sessions themselves to ensure the mentors are developing with the learners.

Our Volunteers

I would like to volunteer my time

I would like to get involved some other way

I am a registered Psychometrist Intern or Industrial Psychologist Intern in need of hours

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