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Traditional 360 or AI?

Leadership training is prevalent across various fields such as business administration, education administration, and public administration, enhancing leadership skills, confidence, perspectives, and communication abilities. Despite these benefits, implementing effective leadership training programs poses significant challenges. These programs need to be practical, offer growth opportunities, provide new knowledge, and accommodate participants' diverse skills and experiences. Accurate evaluation of these programs is crucial to address these challenges and improve their effectiveness. 

Companies tend to focus on key components of leadership development programs: 360-degree assessments and mentoring. These components are widely used across different programs. A 360-degree assessment involves feedback from both self-reports and observer reports, providing a comprehensive view of a participant's leadership skills. This method is beneficial for both developmental and performance evaluation purposes, as it offers leaders valuable insights and feedback on their behaviour changes. Mentoring, which involves experienced leaders guiding novices, significantly enhances the development of mentees by fostering teamwork, motivation, and competence. Effective mentoring helps mentees feel more comfortable and secure in their roles. However, self-reports, a common evaluation method, often suffer from bias as individuals tend to present themselves in a favourable light. This bias highlights the need for multiple data sources to ensure accurate assessment. 


Elea, an AI-driven leadership development program, offers substantial advantages over traditional 360-degree feedback methodologies, particularly in its relevance, immediacy, and engagement. Unlike 360-degree feedback, which often relies on theoretical frameworks and subjective peer evaluations, Elea focuses on real-world business challenges. Its content is meticulously researched to reflect the actual issues leaders face today, ensuring that the training is practical and directly applicable to contemporary business environments. The program's modern leadership framework is scientifically derived to address the complexities of the digital age, making it more relevant than traditional methods rooted in outdated management concepts. 

One of Elea's standout features is its AI-powered scoring system, which provides immediate feedback with high consistency and reliability, eliminating the delays and biases associated with human evaluators. This allows participants to quickly understand their strengths and areas for development. Furthermore, Elea offers customised development interventions tailored to each individual's needs, ensuring that the learning process is both effective and personalised. The 'do, learn, do, learn' methodology promotes experiential learning, helping participants to embed new behavioural habits through continuous practice and reflection. 

Elea also excels in providing powerful analytics at both the individual and organisational levels. These insights facilitate effective talent management by identifying leadership strengths and development areas across the organisation. The program's engaging candidate experience, enhanced by gamification and simulated situations, makes the learning process immersive and flexible, allowing participants to complete the assessments at their own pace. The interactive digital development portal further empowers participants to engage proactively with their results, benchmark themselves against various leadership levels, and build personalised development plans. 

Scalability is another significant advantage of Elea. As a cloud-based solution, it can be quickly deployed across organisations without the need for human assessors and trainers, making it efficient and cost-effective. Additionally, Elea can be mapped to almost any organisational competence framework, ensuring that the leadership development program aligns seamlessly with the specific needs and goals of the organisation. In summary, Elea's AI-driven approach offers a more relevant, reliable, and engaging leadership development experience compared to traditional 360-degree feedback, making it a powerful tool for accelerating personal and organisational growth. 


  • Evalex. (2022). The Evalex Leadership Evolution and Accelerator (Elea).

  • Solansky, S. T. (2010). The evaluation of two key leadership development program components: Leadership skills assessment and leadership mentoring. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(4), 675-681.


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